- science 2013 attorney at law at the District Bar Council in Cracow
- PhD studies (PhD candidate) at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University, Chair of Civil Law
- Post-graduate studies of protection of competition and consumers at the Intellectual Property Law Institute of the Jagiellonian University
- attorney trainee at the District Bar Council in Cracow in years 2010-2013
- Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University (graduated in 2009)
Ważniejsze osiągnięcia i publikacje
Nagroda Narodowego Banku Polskiego w konkursie Scientiae Legis Excellentia na najlepsze prace magisterskie z prawa gospodarczego napisane z wykorzystaniem ekonomicznej analizy prawa i badań empirycznych za pracę magisterską pt. „Wpływ zabezpieczeń rzeczowych na oddalenie wniosku o ogłoszenie upadłości albo umorzenie postępowania upadłościowego”
Areas of practice
- Insolvency and reorganization law
- Litigation
- Contract law
- Business law
Additional information
- an ekspert in the Minister of Justice’s team for amending the Insolvency and Reorganization Law, which in December 2012 prepared recommendations regarding the directions of changes in the new restructuring law;
- an ekspert in the team created by the Minister of Economy for systemic solutions in the field of alternative resolutions of business disputes, facilitating conduct of business activity;
- consultant of the World Bank in the project concerning the evaluation of Insolvency and Reorganization Law Act and the instruments for the protection of creditors’ rights in Polish business law;
- one of the two Poland’s delegates at the session of Work Group V UNCITRAL (Insolvency Law) at the UN;
- participation in the consultancy of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) with respect to preparation of a report regarding Poland;
- an autor and co-author of numerous publications in the field of insolvency and reorganization law, including numerous reports, significant for national legal system, concerning insolvency and reorganization law (inter alia reports for the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, Ministry of Economy, opinions concerning draft laws, et cetera) or a commentary to the provisions pertaining to so called Developers’ Insolvency (Difin Publishing House, 2012);
- vice-president of the Allerhand Institute since 2012;
- a secretary of Insolvency Law Section at the Allerhand Institute.
- Member of the Team for the preparation of draft regulations on the development, optimization and reform of hospital entities, operating at the Ministry of Health
- Chairman of the Bankruptcy and Restructuring Practitioners Section
- Holding lectures and tutorials for postgraduate students of the Jagiellonian University in the field of restructuring and bankruptcy law.
- Conducting workshops at postgraduate studies at the Jagiellonian University concerning the prohibition of conducting business activity.
- Holding lectures for postgraduate students of the @ Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National Louis University in Nowy Sącz in the area of restructuring law.